Create a SEO Keyword Friendly Page on the First Attempt
A number of friends have been telling me over the last few weeks their frustrations about creating SEO keyword friendly pages for the websites. Their complaint is that it takes too much time to edit it correctly in order to achieve high search engine rankings. First, they create the page,Continue Reading
Internet Marketing Services – Compromising the Ideal Marketing Methods
Selling your internet marketing services or internet marketing consulting services to another company is a tough job. An even tougher job however, is convincing a company to use certain types of internet marketing method once it has decided to hire your internet marketing or consulting services. The challenge lies notContinue Reading
Quality SEO Services Checklist
Quality SEO Services should always be a part of a company’s internet marketing strategy from an internet marketing consultant. The issue at hand however is finding a consultant that can actually give you quality SEO services. “Buyer Beware” should always apply when a person or company pays for a productContinue Reading
Market Research Equals a Cost Effective Marketing Campaign
Cost effective internet marketing and marketing in general is all about knowing your clients. A company cannot expect to have a cost effective marketing campaign without a specific target market nor without knowing it target customer. This is where market research comes into play.The best way to explain the advantagesContinue Reading
Internet Marketing Company, BlindMonkeyMedia First Quarter Financial Report
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 28, 2009 Costa Rica – Privately traded internet Marketing Company, BlindMonkeyMedia Inc. announced net income of $145,000.00 from its internet marketing services, website design services and other endeavors for its first quarter. A number that is 46% higher than the projected net income for its firstContinue Reading
What’s Your Strategy, SEO or SEO Marketing? Online Marketing for Better Results
Using SEO as one of your online marketing strategy is referred to as a smart long term move in the internet marketing world. It’s a low cost and long term marketing strategy that will bring thousands of targeted visitors to a website. However, there is SEO and then there isContinue Reading
Online Marketing 102: Optimizing Your Website for Higher Conversions
One of the more advanced aspects of online marketing for a website is optimizing your website to get a higher visitor-to-client conversion rate. It is an ongoing project that can always be improved upon which requires advanced analytical and creative skills. The first step in optimizing your website conversion ratioContinue Reading
Low Cost Online Marketing for a Start up Business – Introduction
Online marketing does not have to be expensive for a start up business. Online marketing is actually the best low cost solution for a business that is just starting since a good portion of online marketing is free and only requires a company to dedicate a large amount of timeContinue Reading
Email Marketing Basics – Creating a Winning Mailer Part 3
Your email mailer is almost done. The graphics look beautiful and your call to actions are in place. The last part of email marketing basics will involve the strategy behind getting people to open your html mailer and how to get the email recipients to follow up with it. TheContinue Reading
Email Marketing Basics – Creating a Winning Mailer Part 2
The email marketing basics thus far has been a lot about common sense. Now, we will delve into the marketing research and psychological part of creating a winning email html mailer. Sometimes, people forget the importance of colors and how it affects your mind. For example, colors in the redContinue Reading