Internet Marketing Company, BlindMonkeyMedia Partners with RemediosGraphic
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 13, 2009 Costa Rica – Internet marketing consultant company, just brokered a deal with graphic design company to partner in an effort to offer faster and more affordable graphic design services to its clients. The decision to partner with was due to anContinue Reading
Email Marketing Basics – Creating a Winning Mailer Pt. 1
Now that you are aware of the dangers of email marketing and got yourself a killer mailing list, it’s time to create a winning mailer to advertise the goods and services of your online business. A winning email mailer is one that will get people to actually open the email,Continue Reading
Low Cost Online Marketing Strategies for Start Up Companies Part 2
In Part 2 of Low Cost Online Marketing Strategies for Start-Up Companies, we will go over marketing strategies that deal more with Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization. Even though the following online marketing strategies do not provide a lot of traffic in the short term; they will helpContinue Reading
What’s Up with the MSN Search Engine?
The Microsoft Network better known as began its online journey in August of 1995 to coincide with the launch of Windows 95 OS. It was not created to be a search engine. It was just a simple online service addition to Windows 95 that started out as part ofContinue Reading
Email Marketing Basics – The Dangers
Email marketing is probably one of the most effective and dangerous tool in the marketing world. It is one of the most effective methods because if you have a large and a quality mailing list, you can get a lot of traffic and conversions to your website. On the otherContinue Reading
Cost Effective Marketing and SEO
Acquiring clients for a website does not have to involve expensive advertisement methods and can be cost effective. In fact, consumers are no longer attracted to traditional online advertisement methods like banners, splash pages and such. Therefore, consumers have actually become disassociated from these and tend to ignore them. TheContinue Reading