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How Marketers Should Prepare for Potential TikTok Ban
Trends in the marketing industry change so fast that marketers need to be agile with their strategies. Knowing the pulse and seeing if trends are worthwhile before jumping on the bandwagon is vital. At present, TikTok is the most prominent marketing trend. However,...

Google Rolls Out Site Reputation Abuse Policy Update Manually
Back in March, Google announced that they will release the site reputation abuse policy update this May. The update has started in May 6, with manual actions, and it is said that algorithmic actions will soon follow. What does Site Reputation Abuse mean for your...

3 Most Affordable Online Marketing Strategies
Contrary to public belief, you can still generate good results even when marketing on a budget. The most affordable online marketing strategies will depend on your specific goals, target audience, and resources. However, here are 3 most affordable online marketing...

YouTube Expands Testing on Anti-Ad Blockers
YouTube, one of the largest platforms for video content, is rolling out more testing in anti-ad blockers. Because of this, more and more users are uninstalling ad blockers on their devices. This is great news for those who advertise and promote their businesses, like...

Use Your Players to Market Your Online Sportsbook
The thing about being a bookie, is that you have control over your sportsbook operation. You can implement any strategy that you think will help you effectively manage your sports betting business. You can tailor-fit a marketing plan to ensure you can maximize the...
Read More Online Marketing Articles and News

Future of Influencer Marketing and the Expansion of Creator Economy
Influencer marketing has become a powerful tool for various sectors. It allows businesses to connect with target audiences. Also, the creator economy continues with its upward thrive. Thus, influencer marketing will continue to play a vital role in shaping the...

How to Build a Sportsbook Brand
When you open a sportsbook, its important to dedicate time, money, and effort in marketing. It will help you increase your player base, and therefore your potential for a higher income. One of the first things to do, marketing-wise, is to build a sportsbook brand....

Why Promotions are a Popular Way to Promote Your Sportsbook
Offering promotions in your sportsbook is a great way to attract new players to sign up in your sportsbook. There are a lot of reasons why, and we will get into a bit more detail, so you can see what else you can do with offering promos, or using other online...

Digital Marketing Trends and How to Stay Ahead of Competition
The digital marketing landscape has been evolving throughout the years. To stay ahead of the competition, you need to know the current digital marketing trends. From voice search and artificial intelligence to augmented and virtual reality, many new trends and...

Social Media and SEO Marketing
Most of the time, a lot of people who use a sportsbook pay per head software want to promote their businesses online. They make use of various SEO strategies, as well as other marketing campaigns to generate traffic and brand recognition. Using social media is one of...