Optimizing Your Website for Higher Conversions

One of the more advanced aspects of online marketing for a website is optimizing your website to get a higher visitor-to-client conversion rate.  It is an ongoing project that can always be improved upon which requires advanced analytical and creative skills.

The first step in optimizing your website conversion ratio is to examine your keywords and the landing page associated with it.  Does the message portrayed in the landing page clearly define the keywords associated with it in a highly visible manner?

If the keyword associated with the landing page has nothing to do with the page content then the keyword or the page content needs to be changed.

If both the keyword and the page content complement each other then the fault may lie in the page content not clearly outlining the keyword in a more visible manner.

This can be fixed by using a simple header tag or just changing the tile of the page to make the text associated with the keyword more prominent so that the viewer will stay and read the content.

Optimizing Your Website for Higher Conversions

The second step is the navigation process.  Does the landing page immediately offer a call to action or is it a two step process before the call to action can be seen?

If the website page is able to convince the visitor that this product or service is right for them it’s perfect.  Just make sure that you have links available in the page in case the visitor needs more convincing.

If you do have more links leading to a page with more information to convince the visitor to purchase your product or use your service make sure that the page contains a call to action.

In general, the landing page should tell a convincing story as to why the visitor should use purchase your product or services.  The shorter the story is the better.

If the page uses a two step process, make sure that the first page is captivating enough to make the visitor eager enough to learn more so that the visitor will want to go the next page.

The third step in optimizing your website for a higher conversion rate is the call to action process.

Call to actions like, “Buy Now”, “Sign up Today” or “Get a Free Analysis” are not powerful enough by alone.

First, you must convince the customer that they need to buy the product or services from you and have a call to action that will match the story on the page like, “Get the Comfort You Deserve by Buying this Amazing Widget Today!” or “It’s Time Your Company Moved to the Next Level, Get Your Free Analysis Now!”

Just remember to be patient and analyze the statistics correctly.  This process optimizing your website for a higher conversion rate is based on trial and error and you need to change your website content according to the statistics on each page

Note that you also have to give the changes to your website time to function.  A one week trial for the new content is not enough.  Give it at least a month before you decide to change the site content again.

They are several more ways to optimize your website for a higher conversion like the use of graphics and forms.  To find out more contact the BlindMonkeyMedia Internet Marketing Consultant team.

Just remember that every website caters to different type of client demographics which is imperative in finding the right call to action message.


Lindsay Whitehouse is an internet marketing consultant with over 6 years of online marketing experience and has spent the last 3 years as an SEO consultant expert.  You can contact Lindsay at lindsay@blindmonkeymedia.com