Your email mailer is almost done. The graphics look beautiful and your call to actions are in place. The last part of email marketing basics will involve the strategy behind getting people to open your html mailer and how to get the email recipients to follow up with it.
The marketing email mailers have passed the SPAM test checker and have now been sent out to all of its recipients.
The sad truth is that even though it was sent to an opt-in email list, your email mailer will join several other advertising, informational and marketing emails in the recipients queue.
The only way that your mailer will stand out from the pack is with a phrase catching email subject line.
Power words like “Amazing”, “Free”, “Don’t Miss Out” are no longer usable since they are all being used by spammers, phishers, and scammers and now bring a warning bell to most internet users.
What you want to do is use a subject line that leaves the reader curious about opening the email.
Of course, the email recipient itself must be target to your industry if the subject line phrase is to function.
Here are some examples of email subject matter for the online marketing industry
“Traditional Online Marketing is Dead”
“5 Ways to Increase Your Conversion Ratio with BlindMonkeyMedia”
An HTML mail is not done until your contact information is listed on it. Today, people are wary of email scams and want real and reliable contact information on the email.
Simply having an email address or a link to the website or a landing page is no longer enough. You want to have in the header section clear information like your company’s telephone number and even an address if possible.
By providing this information, the people that do open the email will feel more comfortable in trusting it.
Now that you have all of the necessary information on how to create a winning HTML email mailer, it’s up to go out there and create the HTML mailer that will give you the conversions your company deserves.
Frederick Saint-Jacques is an internet marketing consultant with over 20 years of online marketing experience and has worked for some of the top Fortune 500 companies in the world. You can contact him at